Date Posted:10/15/2022 21:44 PMCopy HTML
Wrestling Stats Real Name:JESSIE KYLE ROMANO In Ring Name:JESSIE ROMANO Pic Base:JESSIE GODDERZ Nicknames: Twitter Handel:@JESSIE ROMANO Crowd Status Billed From:TAMPA,FL Favorite Weapon: Theme Song:MRPERCTCULAR BYDALE OLIVER Height/Weight:6'3/225 Manger: Stable: Allies/Enemies: Trademark Moves
{Insert Here} Finishers {Insert Here} Personal Stats Birthday/Age: Marital Status: Children: Previous Relationships: Hometown:TAMpA,FL Currently Residing:TAMPA,FL Tattoos: Piercings: Scars: Supernatural Type:
Achievements {Insert Here} Achievements Outside Of Wrestling {Insert Here} Bio {veryin tenses man, he does havea vielt side wuhe it comestogirls heswith and he dont care hwo a d he hurts them very much in to painoth giveing and takeing it}
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